Dissertations from the Dare Association

Papers are listed in chronological order, beginning in the first column with the most recent

Barker, C. (2013). A Fractal Phase Calculus for Recursive Architectonic Computability. (Accompanying Table)

Ravnican, S. (2013). Employee Assessment using the Model of Hierarchical Complexity (MHC): Case Study

Joaquim, C. J. (2011). Developmental Stage of Performance in Reasoning About Bullying in School Age Youth

Bernholt, S. Parchmann, S. & Commons, M. L. (2009). Modelling scientific competence between research and teaching practice (German)

McElroy, R. L. (2009). Measuring intellectual behavior: The hierarchical stages of complex reasoning in executive development

Bowman, A. K. (2008). The relationship between organizational work practices and employee performance: through the lens of adult development

Ross, S. N. (2006). Effects of a structured public issues discourse method on the complexity of citizens' reasoning and local political development

LaLlave, J. (2006). Moral judgment competence and attitude as moderators of decisions concerning war through preferences of frames and arguments on the iraq war

Robinett, T. L. (2006). Moral reasoning and political affiliation in liberal and conservative voters: applying a model of hierarchical complexity

Oliver, C. (2004). Impact of catastrophe on pivotal national leaders' vision statements: correspondences and discrepancies in moral reasoning, explanatory style, and rumination

Dawson, T. L. (1998). "A good education is..." A life-span investigation of developmental and conceptual features of evaluative reasoning about education

Kallio, E. (1997). Training of students' scientific reasoning skills

Lam, M. S. (1997). Women and men scientists' notions of the good life: A developmental approach

Broderick, M. A. (1996). A certain doubleness: Reflexive thought and mindful experience as tools for transformative learning in the stress reduction clinic.

Zhang, L. Z. (1994). The construction of a Chinese language cognitive development inventory and its use in a cross-cultural study of the Perry scheme

Harrison, M. B. (1992). Relating childhood behavioral inhibition to neonatal physiology, infant social behaviors, and achievement and intelligence test scores

Rodriguez, J. A., (1992). The adult stages of social perspective-taking: assessment with the doctor-patient problem

Armon, C. (1984). Ideals of the good life: A longitudinal/cross-sectional study of evaluative reasoning in children and adults

Vaughan, W. (1976). Optimization and Reinforcement